“I see you. I see you not through eyes but through the passion of your heart, the yearning of your will, and the luminous LOVE of your Soul. You also have this sight of me, can you feel it ? Are we separate ?
As Earth is bathed in my unified LIGHT a Great Awakening is underway. A transition is gaining momentum. Hearts are opening to see that all life is connected. Humans are not separate of world, but rather are of the world, nature is within your very natures.
My presence is a catalyst that ignites this re-remembering deep within your DNA. This memory is and will continue to come through your dreams, your intuitive feelings, your soulfull knowings & your deepest heart-filled desires.
Surrender and let the LIGHT in. Let me stir & shift you in ways you have never been moved before. And let the love of my luminosity enliven you to fire-up your own LIGHT of evolution. And BeAM this light out into the World. Let it LIGHTen-up your path.
Let it guide the pathways of many. Let your LIGHT come alive & show the way.
I see you. I love you. You are held in the Heart of the Cosmos always. All LIGHT”
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